Main Track Drift Practise.
This will be solely drifting only.
Maximum for 50 cars.
Three Groups.
Group 1: Experienced / Pro (18 cars)
Group 2: Experienced / Pro (17 cars)
Group 3: Intermediate (15 cars)
Each session will alternate throughout the day.
Gates open at 7:30am
Scruitineering from 7:30am (Sheet below)
Drivers briefing at 8:30am
On track by 9:00 / 9:30am
Lunch at 12:30pm (Half hour)
Track closes 4:30pm
All cars will require basic scruitineering and be signed off before entering the track so please be on time.
Passengers will only be allowed in full homologated cars and will need to be signed in.
If you are caught acting up and breaking rules then all volunteers will have full authority to remove you and your vehicle from the premises.